Trips to the cinema to see highly anticipated films have undoubtedly got a special place in our hearts. Whether it’s the continuation of our long-running franchise or a fresh entry with goals of playing with conventions, many enjoy sitting down for a minimum of an hour and a half and being engrossed in a story.

Of course, the last year has seen the cinematic landscape change. Not because of a huge release or a new gimmick, but due to the global pandemic.

This situation begs questions about whether films are still the pinnacle of entertainment for most people. Fortunately, Experience 12 surveyed over 1,000 fans and determined the state of film in June 2021.

Key Facts

Film still reigns supreme when it comes to fans’ preferred pop culture genre. In fact, 32% of fans favour film. With that said, television comes in at a close second with 29% of those surveyed.

Despite the dominance of film, only 19% of people described it as the most important form of entertainment during the numerous lockdowns we experienced. On the back of this, it seems that the promise of new films arriving in cinemas may be keeping the media alive in the hearts of fans.

The Promise Of Film And Cinema

When fans were asked what films they were anticipating there was a clear preference for existing franchises. Spider-Man: No Way Home was the most anticipated by the greatest number of fans, followed by The Suicide Squad and Black Widow.

Evidently, the superhero genre is still on top for fans and, unsurprisingly, Marvel’s huge cinematic universe is creating intrigue. Interestingly, despite The Suicide Squad reboot being highly anticipated, Warner Bros. is diversifying its big engagers.

Trusting in Keanu Reeves, sequels to The Matrix and John Wick trilogy are creating a buzz. Furthermore, Warner Bros. has also created excitement in its remake of Dune, and a sequel to Space Jam.

It seems that Warner Bros. is attracting viewers with a plethora of interests, while Marvel and Disney stick to a tried and tested formula that has made them the dominant production company for over a decade.

The diversity of releases from Warner Bros. may also explain why 83% of those surveyed preferred the Marvel cinematic universe over DC.

Will We See These Films In The Cinema?

The importance of cinema to films cannot be disputed. Traditionally, how a film performs in its first weeks in the cinema determines its success in the eyes of the studio. With cinema’s reopening most production companies will hope that their upcoming offerings can attract a big screen audience.

Fortunately, for film producers, people are keen to return. 22% of those surveyed had already returned to the cinema, while 27% intended to do so in the next 1-3 months.

It appears that film has survived lockdown viewing habits. Furthermore, by looking at the films fans are looking forward to, it looks like we will be spoiled for choice when we return to watch the big screen with popcorn in hand.

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